wrongful termination

If I sue a third-party do I have to pay back the workers’ compensation carrier?

How Can A Personal Injury Lawyer Help Me? If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident that was caused by another person’s negligence, such as being on a bicycle and getting hit by a car, it may be necessary to contact a personal injury lawyer. Are you struggling to cope with […]

If I sue a third-party do I have to pay back the workers’ compensation carrier? Read More »

Can I get unemployment benefits and workers’ compensation at the same time?

This would depend on the type of workers’ compensation benefits you are getting. The most important thing is to be open and honest with unemployment and workers’ compensation. Call them and let them know what other benefits you are receiving. Generally you cannot collect income or workers’ compensation benefits at the same time as you

Can I get unemployment benefits and workers’ compensation at the same time? Read More »

I am an independent contractor. What are my rights if I am injured on the job?

If you are really an independent contractor then you can still sue the company or person you work for if you can prove that they were negligent for causing your injury. If you were not really an independent contractor but should have been classified as an employee then you may be able to sue your

I am an independent contractor. What are my rights if I am injured on the job? Read More »

Employer has their own Work Injury or Workers’ Compensation Plan but it is not Texas Workers’ Compensation. What are my rights?

Many employers do not purchase Texas Workers’ Compensation but do have their own health and injury plan. If that is true, you may be able to still sue your employer. It is very important that you do not sign anything related to this injury plan until you seek legal advice. Some employers will send you

Employer has their own Work Injury or Workers’ Compensation Plan but it is not Texas Workers’ Compensation. What are my rights? Read More »

Can I get workers’ compensation benefits if I return to work or if I get another job?

This answer depends on the types of workers’ compensation payments you are getting. I always advise my clients to let the workers’ compensation carrier know that you are working. Being honest and forthright will help you stay out of trouble and in some instances out of jail.

Can I get workers’ compensation benefits if I return to work or if I get another job? Read More »

Employer does not have Workers’ Compensation. What are my rights?

Texas, unlike most states does not require an employer to have Workers’ Compensation. However if they do not have Workers’ Compensation you may be able to sue your employer for your injuries if you can prove the employer was negligent in causing your injury. Also your employer cannot use your negligence as a defense for

Employer does not have Workers’ Compensation. What are my rights? Read More »

My employer has an arbitration agreement. What does that mean and can I still sue my employer?

Many employers require you to sign an arbitration agreement or have one in their employment manual. As a general rule these agreements require that if you have a claim you must go to a third party (arbitrator) instead of going to court. These agreements are generally legal and binding but there are exceptions to this

My employer has an arbitration agreement. What does that mean and can I still sue my employer? Read More »

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