OSHA guidelines on preventing struck-by injuries

Being struck by objects is one of the four most deadly hazards in the workplace according to OSHA. Struck-by injuries can be caused by a range of objects, including falling, flying, rolling, swinging and slipping objects. Employers and employees in Texas will want to know what OSHA guidelines are regarding the prevention of these injuries.


The first step is for workers to wear the personal protective equipment that’s required in their respective industries. This can include hard hats, goggles and steel-toe shoes. Workers should never work on machinery unless they have received the proper training. They should also make sure the safety devices on their equipment are functional.


Employees will want to make sure that any saws and lathes have a protective guard. This, combined with goggles and face shields, will help prevent chips or particles from causing injuries. Swinging object injuries can be avoided by inspecting cranes and hoists, never working them beyond their lifting capacity, lifting the loads evenly and never working underneath them.


Vehicles cause the majority of rolling object injuries, so workers are advised to always walk behind such moving equipment and to use caution around corners and near doorways. Moving equipment should never be overloaded or it will obstruct vision. For falling objects, employers can consider installing debris nets and canopies as well as restricting entrance to areas where overhead work is being done.


Sometimes, employers can follow all the guidelines and still see accidents occur in their facility. If there was no deficiency in workplace safety, victims may still be covered for their medical expenses and lost wages thanks to the workers compensation program. It should be kept in mind that private employers in this state can choose not to carry workers comp insurance. Victims who are eligible might hire a lawyer for assistance, especially with the appeal if the claim is denied.

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