Harassment & Hostile Working Environment Attorney

Harassment & Hostile Working Environment Attorney El Paso, TX

Harrassment & Hostile Workplace Attorney El Paso, TXHarassment or Hostile Working Environment are words that are often used by employees to describe what is happening to them wrongly in the work place. There is generally no independent claim for Harassment or Hostile Work Environment Attorney El Paso, TX. There is however a claim if there is a hostile work environment or harassment because of race, color, national origin, religion, age or other illegal discrimination. You should check with a competent employment attorney to determine if the harassment is the type that could lead to a wrongful termination claim.

Steps to Take if You’re in A Hostile Working Environment

If you’re facing harassment and a hostile working environment, it can make your life quite difficult. However, you don’t have to put up with it forever. Here are some steps to take if you’re in a hostile working environment:

-Make an Internal Complaint: If you believe you’re working in a hostile environment, the first thing you have to do is utilize your company’s internal complaint system. If you’re worried that your employer may retaliate against you, understand that those actions are illegal and you have legal protection.

-Talk to Witnesses: Were other coworkers present when you experienced harassment? If so, don’t hesitate to reach out to them. If they can testify on your behalf, it can make your claim that much stronger. Remember to obtain their full names and contact information. Ask them to give you a written statement about what they observed. 

-Document Everything: In order to have a successful claim for a hostile work environment, you must have sufficient evidence. That’s why you should document as much as you can. You should save all communication that proves you have been experiencing harassment at work, such as emails, letters, and notes. 

-Obtain Evidence that the Company Knew: If you are trying to file a claim for a hostile working environment, you’ll want to prove that the company knew about the harassment and did not do anything about it. Begin by documenting the dates, times, and other details of the meeting that you have had regarding the treatment you have faced. 

-Talk to a Lawyer: If you are dealing with harassment & hostile working environment, it’s in your best interest to discuss your situation with an employment lawyer. Explain what has been going on at work and ask him or her to evaluate your case. If the lawyer determines that you have a strong case, he or she will help you file a claim. 

Do not hesitate to retain legal assistance if you have faced any issues in the workplace. Your lawyer will make sure your rights are protected and that you are treated fairly. Feeling safe and comfortable is such a basic right that you should have, no questions asked. A harassment and hostile working environment attorney in El Paso, TX from Davie & Valdez, P.C. will go over everything to ensure you feel comfortable in your working environment or are compensated for any issues that you have had.

Your Rights

You have the right to feel comfortable and safe at your place of work. After all, you spend so much time there that you need to have rights and feel like your best interests are protected. This is why it is crucial to retain a lawyer if you feel any of your basic rights to safety and feeling comfortable have been violated. Your lawyer can look over everything to see if any illegal things happened during your time at work. Even if people in your workplace were merely walking a fine line, you need to see if there is any way to make things more comfortable for you in the workplace. There are professional guidelines that people in a workplace need to follow and if your human resources representative has not been of assistance to you, it may be time to speak with an attorney about your situation. 

Compensation and Bettering the Workplace

By hiring an attorney to assist in your case, you will be ensuring that you are treated fairly in the workplace. Not only are you helping yourself, but you may be protecting others who have gone through the same things but are too afraid to speak up. By standing up for yourself, you are attempting to make a change and, in turn, better the workplace for everyone else. This is a very important thing for everyone to do so that those who have been looked over and harassed can feel safer while they are making a living to support their family. An experienced harassment & hostile working environment attorney will know how to go about this process and have your company make changes moving forward to have a safe and friendly working environment for all. 

Consulting an Attorney

If you are working in a hostile environment, schedule a meeting with a skilled employment lawyer, like Davie & Valdez, P.C., as soon as possible. Bring any documentation you have about your case to your meeting. Don’t be afraid to ask the lawyer questions about experience and skills, such as how many years of experience he or she has in employment law. Many employment lawyers also work on a contingency fee basis, so you don’t have to worry about owing money upfront. This means that it is completely risk-free to contact us, so there is no reason to delay. Set up a consultation today with to learn more. 



Have you been Wrongfully Terminated or Discriminated? Do you want to discuss Employment Law, a Work Injury, or a Workers Compensation issue? Contact us now!​

    Client Review

    “Words can’t express enough how grateful and extremely happy I am to have had Mr Roger Davie represent the most tragic experience in my life. Not only is he and his case manager Deborah Morales professional, but they are also a hard working determined team, who sincerely care! I am truly thankful!!”
    Angela Serna
    Client Review

    Locations Served:

    El Paso TX, New Mexico, Santa Fe NM
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