wrongful death

Wrongful Death -New Mexico

New Mexico recently added a new rule of civil procedure for wrongful death claims. Section 1-105 provides that certain notice provisions are to be provided statutory beneficiaries. The rule states in part: B. Required notice; timing. Upon entry of an order appointing a personal representative under the Wrongful Death Act, the personal representative shall provide […]

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What do you mean they don’t have enough insurance to cover my injuries?

When there are serious accidents and serious injuries caused by a negligent person there often time is not enough insurance coverage for the injured party or their relatives in a wrongful death claim. What can you do? I recently wrote an article about the liability of an employer when the employee injured someone in the

What do you mean they don’t have enough insurance to cover my injuries? Read More »

What law is followed in New Mexico if an accident happens in New Mexico?

Most states follow the rule that the state with the most significant relationship is the law that applies. However, New Mexico follows the rule that no matter how significant the contacts if a personal injury accident happens in New Mexico, New Mexico law will apply. In determining which jurisdiction’s law should apply to a tort

What law is followed in New Mexico if an accident happens in New Mexico? Read More »