Sexual Harassment Attorney El Paso, TX

Sexual Harassment Attorney El Paso, TX

Sexual Harassment Attorney El Paso, TXEmployees have a right to work in an environment that is free from sexual harassment Attorney El Paso, TX.  This is true for both men and women.

Generally to prevail in a claim for sexual harassment the sexual harassment needs to be either severe or pervasive.  If you were fired for sexual harassment or just feel that you are being harassed because of sexual harassment you should consult an attorney.

Types of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Unfortunately, sexual harassment in the workplace stills occurs in this day and age. It can make the victim feel very uncomfortable at work. Here are the types of sexual harassment that can occur:

  • Requests for Sexual Favors: Requests for sexual favors at work can come from both supervisors and coworkers. If someone you work with continues to ask for sex despite your refusal, it’s considered harassment. It can create a very uncomfortable environment for you at work and even make you consider quitting your job.
  • Unwelcome Touching: Unwelcome touching is one of the most obvious forms of sexual harassment in the workplace and can involve grabbing or slapping body parts, kissing and intentionally rubbing up against you.
  • Inappropriate Compliments: Receiving compliments from other people can brighten your day and boost your self-esteem. However, it’s important to recognize the difference between appropriate and inappropriate compliments. Certain compliments can actually be considered harassment. For instance, if a coworker tells you that you look sexy in your dress, it’s inappropriate.
  • Sharing Sexually Inappropriate Photos or Videos: If someone at work sends you pornography to your smartphone or computer, for example, it is considered sexually inappropriate behavior.
  • Asking Sexual Questions: It’s also harassment if a coworker asks you sexually related questions, such as how many sex partners you’ve had or your sexual orientation.

What to Do If You’re Being Sexually Harassed

If you’re the victim of sexual harassment at work, you can put a stop to the treatment. Here are the steps you should take: 

  • Speak to the Perpetrator: Although it may be uncomfortable at first, consider talking to the perpetrator directly regarding the harassment. Tell this person that the behavior makes you feel uncomfortable and that you want it to stop.
  • Inform Your Supervisor: If the person still continues the behavior after your conversation, it’s time to tell your supervisor. He or she should handle your complaint with confidentiality. 
  • File a Complaint With EEOC: If your employer hasn’t been able to stop the harassment, you should file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The agency will investigate your complaint and determine if you have grounds to file a lawsuit.
  • File a Lawsuit: If the EEOC issues you a right to sue letter, you can file a sexual harassment lawsuit against your employer. This type of lawsuit can involve many complexities, so you should hire an experienced lawyer to assist you. He or she can help you gather evidence, identify witnesses and protect your legal rights.

Call a sexual harassment lawyer at  Davie & Valdez P.C. today!


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    Client Review

    “Words can’t express enough how grateful and extremely happy I am to have had Mr Roger Davie represent the most tragic experience in my life. Not only is he and his case manager Deborah Morales professional, but they are also a hard working determined team, who sincerely care! I am truly thankful!!”
    Angela Serna
    Client Review

    Locations Served:

    El Paso TX, New Mexico, Santa Fe NM
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