Accurate reporting of workplace injury required by OSHA

Employers and managers in Texas may be unclear about their record-keeping obligations when a workplace injury occurs. An Occupational Safety and Health Administration rule may help clarify the matter. Under the rule, which is scheduled to take effect in mid-January 2017, employers may be subject to citations for not properly reporting workplace illnesses and injuries as mandated.


No new compliance requirements are part of the final draft of the rule. Several amendments received minor changes to subpart and section titles and provisions. The changes are reportedly intended to make current regulations easier to understand. The rule states that employers have an ‘ongoing obligation” to report incidents that result in harm to an employee. Additionally, records of on-the-job injuries must be accurately maintained by employers.


OSHA representatives believe that timely reporting and accurate record-keeping is a standard practice that could potentially save lives and make workplaces safer. If an employer is found to be in violation of the record-keeping rule, OSHA must issue a citation within six months of the alleged incident.


Workplace safety is an important topic for many employees, whether they are in management or an entry-level position. When a workplace injury or illness occurs, no matter the severity, an employer must record the incident in a timely manner to avoid an OSHA citation or investigation. If the injury was severe, the injured individual may face a long period of recovery and rehabilitation, especially in the case of a brain or spine injury. Workplace accident victims may wish to consult with an attorney in order to seek compensation for their medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.